13 Nisan 2012 Cuma

vocabulary related to economy

Competition - The effort of two or more parties acting independently to secure the business of a third party by offering the most favorable terms. rekabet
Complements - Products that are used with one another such as hamburger and hamburger buns tamamlayıcı öğeler
Consumers - People whose wants are satisfied by consuming a good or a service.
Consumption - In macroeconomics, the total spending, by individuals or a nation, on consumer goods during a given period. Strictly speaking, consumption should apply only to those goods totally used, enjoyed, or "eaten up" within that period. In practice, consumption expenditures include all consumer goods bought, many of which last well beyond the period in question --e.g., furniture, clothing, and automobiles.
Consumer spending - The purchase of consumer goods and services.
Corporation - A legal entity owned by stockholders whose liability is limited to the value of their stock.
Costs -
Costs of production - All resources used in producing goods and services, for which owners receive payments.   üretim harcaması
Craftsperson - A worker who completes all steps in the production of a good or service.
Credit - (1) In monetary theory, the use of someone else's funds in exchange for a promise to pay (usually with interest) at a later date. The major examples are short-term loans from a bank, credit extended by suppliers, and commercial paper. (2) In balance-of-payments accounting, an item such as exports that earns a country foreign currency.
Criteria - Standards or measures of value that people use to evaluate what is most important.
green line
Decision making - Choosing from alternatives the one with the greatest benefit net of costs. 
Demand - A schedule of how much consumers are willing and able to buy at all possible prices during some time period. talep
Demand decrease - A decrease in the quantity demanded at every price; a shift to the left of the demand curve.   talepte azalma
Demand increase - An increase in the quantity demanded at every price; a shift to the right of the demand curve. 
Division of labor - The process whereby workers perform only a single or a very few steps of a major production task (as when working on an assembly line.)  iş bölümü-dağılımı
Earn - Receive payment (income) for productive efforts.   kazanç
Economic growth - An increase in the total output of a nation over time. Economic growth is usually measured as the annual rate of increase in a nation's real GDP.   ekonomik büyüme
Entrepreneur - One who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise.  girişimci
Human capital - The health, strength, education, training, and skills which people bring to their jobs.
Human resources - The quantity and quality of human effort directed toward producing goods and services (also called labor).
Incentives - Factors that motivate and influence the behavior of households and businesses. Prices, profits, and losses act as incentives for participants to take action in a market economy.
Imports - Goods or services bought from sellers in another nation. ithalat
Income - The payments made for the use of borrowed or loaned money.
Increase in productivity - When the same amount of an output can be produced with fewer inputs; more output can be produced with the same amount of inputs; or a combination of the two.  üretimde artış
Inflation - A sustained and continuous increase in the general price level. enflasyon
Interest rates - The price paid for borrowing money for a period of time, usually expressed as a percentage of the principal per year. faiz oranları
Investment - The purchase of a security, such as a stock or bond.  yatırım
Labor union - A group of employees who join together to improve their terms of employment. işçi birlikleri- sendika gibi
Monetary policy - The objectives of the central bank in exercising its control over money, interest rates, and credit conditions. The instruments of monetary policy are primarily open-market operations, reserve requirements, and the discount rate.   para politikaları
Monetary: parasal
National debt - The net accumulation of federal budget deficits. milli borç
National income - The amount of aggregate income earned by suppliers of resources employed to produce GNP; net national product plus government subsidies minus indirect business taxes. milli gelir 
Natural resources - "Gifts of nature" that are used to produce goods and services. They include land, trees, fish, petroleum and mineral deposits, the fertility of soil, climatic conditions for growing crops, and so on.  doğal kaynaklar
Producers - People who use resources to make goods and services (also called workers).
Production - The making of goods available for use; total output especially of a commodity or industry.
Productive resources - All natural resources (land), human resources (labor), and human-made resources (capital) used in the production of goods and services.
Productivity - The ratio of output (goods and services) produced per unit of input (productive resources) over some period of time.
Profit - The difference between total revenues and the full costs involved in producing or selling a good or service; it is a return for risk taking.  kar
Resources - All natural, human, and human-made aids to production of goods and services (also called productive resources).
Revenue - Payments received by businesses from selling goods and services.